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- ; $VER: XOpa-Installation 1.94 (22.7.1998)
- ; Install script for XOpa
- ;
- ; History:
- ; 98/07/21 axeld - English messages added
- ; 98/07/22 axeld - copy identify via copylib
- ; - use copyfiles' (infos)-switch
- ; - english guide added
- ; - XOpa.structs may miss
- ;----------------------------- Prepare ----------------------------
- (set @default-dest "Work:Tools")
- (set @user-level 1)
- ;----------------------------- Messages ----------------------------
- (if (= @language "deutsch")
- (
- (set |hello (cat "\nWillkommen zu der Installation von XOpa 1.94!\n\n"
- "Die Installation läuft weitgehend automatisch ab.\n"
- "Damit XOpa funktioniert, benötigen Sie mindestens\n"
- "AmigaOS 2.04. XOpa benötigt keine Eintragungen\n"
- "in Ihrer User-Startup.\n"
- "Die Dokumentation ist derzeit nur im\n"
- "AmigaGuide-Format vorhanden.\n\n"
- "Eine Vollinstallation benötigt ca. 250kB."))
- (set |install (cat "In welchem Verzeichnis soll XOpa installiert werden?\n"
- "Es wird keine eigene Schublade generiert."))
- (set |parts-msg "Welche Teile des Programmes möchten Sie installieren?")
- (set |parts-help (cat "Es sollten alle Programmteile installiert werden!\n\n"
- "Die Strukturdefinitionsdatei funktioniert nur\n"
- "in der registrierten Fassung des Programmes.\n"
- "Die Identify-Library ist Copyright Richard Körber\n"
- "(mit freundlicher Genehmigung)"))
- (set |part-main "XOpa-Hauptprogramm")
- (set |part-doc "Dokumentation")
- (set |part-structs "Strukturdefinitionen (nur registrierte Version)")
- (set |part-identify "identify-Library (von Richard Körber)")
- (set |copy-main "Kopiere XOpa-Hauptprogramm...")
- (set |copy-reg "Kopiere XOpa-Registration...")
- (set |copy-doc "Kopiere Dokumentation...")
- (set |copy-structs "Kopiere Strukturdefinitionen...")
- (set |copy-identify "Kopiere Identify-Library v9.3...")
- (set |copy-d-cat "Kopiere deutschen Katalog...")
- (set |which-langs "Welche Sprachen möchten Sie installieren?")
- (set |no-structs "Die Strukturdefinitionsdatei existiert nicht!\n\nSie ist jetzt nur noch in der registrierten Version\ndes Programmes dabei.")
- (set |guide "XOpa_deutsch.guide")
- )
- (
- (set |hello (cat "\nWelcome to the Installation of XOpa 1.94!\n\n"
- "XOpa requires AmigaOS 2.04 or higher and\n250kB on your hard disk.\n"
- "There won't be any changements to your User-Startup.\n"))
- (set |install "Please select the path where the XOpa-drawer should be installed.")
- (set |parts-msg "Which parts of the programme should be installed?")
- (set |parts-help (cat "You should install all parts!\n\n"
- "The structure-definition works only in the\n"
- "registered version of the programme.\n"
- "The Identify-Library is copyrighted by Richard Körber\n"))
- (set |part-main "XOpa-Main programme")
- (set |part-doc "Documentation")
- (set |part-structs "Structure-definitions (registered version only)")
- (set |part-identify "identify-Library (Richard Körber)")
- (set |copy-main "Copy XOpa-Main programme...")
- (set |copy-reg "Copy XOpa-Registration...")
- (set |copy-doc "Copy Documentation...")
- (set |copy-structs "Copy Structure-definitions...")
- (set |copy-identify "Copy Identify-Library v9.3...")
- (set |copy-d-cat "Copy german Catalog...")
- (set |which-langs "Which Language should be installed?\n(English is built-in)")
- (set |no-structs "The structure-definitions do not exist!\n\nThey are only included in the registered version of XOpa.")
- (set |guide "XOpa_english.guide")
- )
- )
- ;----------------------------- Install ----------------------------
- (procedure XOpaInstall
- (set destdir (askdir (prompt |install)
- (help @askdir-help)
- (default @default-dest)))
- (set @default-dest destdir)
- (set whichPart (askoptions (prompt |parts-msg)
- (help |parts-help)
- (choices (cat "\x1b[2p" |part-main)
- |part-doc
- |part-structs
- |part-identify)
- (default 11)))
- (if (IN whichPart 0)
- (
- (copyfiles (prompt |copy-main)
- (help @copyfiles-help)
- (source "XOpa")
- (dest destdir)
- (infos))
- (if (= (exists "XOpa-Registration") 1)
- (copyfiles (prompt |copy-doc)
- (help @copyfiles-help)
- (source "XOpa-Registration")
- (dest destdir)
- (infos)))
- )
- )
- (complete 60)
- (if (IN whichPart 1)
- (copyfiles (prompt |copy-doc)
- (help @copyfiles-help)
- (source |guide)
- (newname "XOpa.guide")
- (dest destdir)
- (infos)))
- (complete 80)
- (if (IN whichPart 2)
- (if (= (exists "XOpa.structs") 1)
- (copyfiles (prompt |copy-structs)
- (help @copyfiles-help)
- (source "XOpa.structs")
- (dest destdir))
- (message |no-structs)))
- (complete 85)
- (if (IN whichPart 3)
- (copylib (prompt |copy-identify)
- (help @copylib-help)
- (source "identify.library")
- (dest "libs:")))
- (complete 90)
- (set whichLang (askoptions (prompt |which-langs)
- (help @askoptions-help)
- (choices "deutsch")
- (default (if (= @language "deutsch") 1 0))))
- (if (IN whichLang 0)
- (copyfiles (prompt |copy-d-cat)
- (help @copyfiles-help)
- (source "catalogs/deutsch/XOpa.catalog")
- (dest "locale:catalogs/deutsch/")))
- (complete 100)
- )
- ;----------------------------- Main ----------------------------
- (message |hello)
- (XOpaInstall)